Creative At-Home Remedies for Boils
There are many people who can offer advice for at-home boil remedies. Here, we offer a number of these recommendations. These will not, necessarily, work for everyone. Each person needs to decide for himself which of these remedies might be successful and try them out in turn.
You Are What You Eat
Research has definitely isolated poor diet as a risk factor for boils. Those who have poor diets are more likely to have boils, as they are lacking certain necessary vitamins and often have compromised immune systems. There are a number of diet suggestions that can help to prevent boils. Garlic is known to be an effective antiseptic, as it serves to detox the body. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, and choose unprocessed foods such as whole grains. Avoid sugar foods and refined foods as much as possible.
A Happy Bowel
It's very important to have good and frequent bowel movements. Constipation can actually cause skin problems to worsen because more of your waste has to be eliminated through the skin. Make sure, therefore, to drink at least eight cups of water each day and to get plenty of fiber in your diet.
Herbs Do The Trick
There are many herbs that people recommend to help with boils. One recommendation is to drink up to three cups a day of an herb tea. This tea should be made up of three herbs: Goldenseal, Echinacea and Burdock Root. Other recommendations include Cat's claw, oregano, pink-bark and grape-seed extracts, and turmeric. To bring the boil to a head, many herbs are recommended as compresses. Create a ginger-tea compress by putting a white cloth into strong ginger tea. Apply this compress to the boil for ten to fifteen minutes four times a day. Then, mix 1 teaspoon of green clay with a small amount of water. Apply this paste to the boil to draw it out and dry it up.
Tea Tree Oil
Another recommendation is to try to use the natural agent Tea Tree Oil to treat your boils when they do occur. Tea Tree Oil comes from the leaves of the Australian tea tree and it can be put directly onto the boils. It is an antibacterial and germicidal agent. A light coating three to four times a day is recommended, with treatment continuing for two weeks after the infection has disappeared. Make sure that the Tea Tree Oil that you purchase is 100% pure.
A Vitamin A Day...
There are a number of vitamins that are recommended both to prevent boils and to deal with them if they do occur. Bromelain is an enzyme that comes from pineapples and it works as an anti-inflammatory when you see that you have boils. 300 milligrams three times a day should be used until the boils heals. Another recommendation is to take Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Taking 5000 units of Vitamin A and 15,000 units of beta-carotene twice a day for one week is recommended. If the boil hasn't healed, continue taking the vitamins until it does. Make sure, however, that you consult a doctor if you are pregnant or intend to get pregnant, as Vitamin A is not recommended in large doses under these circumstances. Another idea is to take 15 milligrams of zinc twice a day for one week or until the boil heals. Finally, Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are recommended as they have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to boost the immune system. Take 1000 milligrams of Vitamin C three times a day or 500 milligrams of Vitamin C three times a day and 500 milligrams of bioflavonoids twice a day for one week or until the boil heals.
Certainly, no one should try all of these remedies. Neither should you try the vitamins all together. These many suggestions allow you to pick and choose what you want to try in order to prevent boils and to treat boils that you do have. Good luck!